Editor’s Note: A Panic Attack and some Changes

It has been more then a few months since I last wrote something for The Editor’s Note section. Well, I’m not entirely sure what I am putting the reason for this particularly post, I suppose it could be considered as some sort of mid-life crisis, for the record it did not result in my purchase of a sports car, so if it was it wasn’t a very good mid-life crisis. Also the phrase ‘what the heck have I been doing with my life?’ might have been muttered more than a few times and left me wondering about the future and how much I don’t like change even though as we all know it is kind of an important part of life. Something I still probably haven’t adequately answered. So perhaps I might label this as a mild panic attack that was brought on after I lost access to my usual email address. to the people out there who work in public relations who might have been trying to get in contact with me this is the reason why your emails have been unanswered and this is the email where you can get hold of me. For the record there might be some Sound Cloud Links for some of the phone interviews that I have conducted will probably go dead towards the end of the year. I’ve also deleted some of the pages from the main website considering that a lot of what they were created for is now being done is now done on The Facebook Page. I have added a page for the shenanigans of Gerald Le Duck and Bo Bovine (they are nice distraction from the craziness of life and hopefully I’ll be able to share some silliness through them). Also in the future I am going to start posting longer articles.

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