Tag Archive for Editor’s note

Editor’s Note: A Panic Attack and some Changes

It has been more then a few months since I last wrote something for The Editor’s Note section. Well, I’m not entirely sure what I am putting the reason for this particularly post, I suppose it could be considered as some sort of mid-life crisis, for the record it did not result in my purchase…

10 years on and still here

For those of you who might have wondered 2016 is actually The Movie Boards’ 10th year. Oh and a big thank you to Rebecca for being the guiding design force that brought me to my current platform in my own little corner of cyberspace. My apologies this particular Editor’s Note is overdue and should have…

Editor’s Note: The Definition of Evidence

Evidence – noun 1) That which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof 2) Something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign 3) Law Data presented to a court or Jury in proof of facts in issue and which may include the testimony of witnesses, records, documents or objects Now…

A Car Door and the $7 Medicare co-payment

Apologies for not making the Editor’s Note a regular feature on the movie boards. But it’s been awhile since I have had anything important to say. Before I get to far into this piece I would like to take the opportunity to say to the not so honourable Prime Minister Tony ‘the mad monk’ Abbott…

Movie Kiosks …… not a fan

I finally did it and use one of those movie kiosks that I have seen about town. I was not impressed with the kiosk that I used. I can understand that these kiosks have significantly lower costs then your friendly neighborhood DVD store. But that is possibly the only comment that I have to say…

Editor’s Note #119

Ok, for those of you out there in the world wide web who have not read my previous 118, trust me they do exist about three of them have made their way to the current page but the rest will not be posted on this current version of The Movie Boards. I would like to…

50 Cents

50 cents. Half a buck. If you have ever wondered how profitable www.themovieboards.net is, well now I have told you. About 6 years (more likely 10 years) of inconsistent work has resulted in me making about 50 cents. And to be honest, I am pretty sure I don’t care. I know I should, but right…