In the Blood


Director John Stockwell
Starring Gina Carano, Cam Gigandet, Danny Trejo
Rated MA
Score 4/6

When her husband goes missing during their Caribbean vacation, a woman sets off on her own to take down the men she thinks are responsible.

Whoever compared this to Taken shouldn’t have especially considering that Taken went on to humiliate itself four years later with its sequel. I really would not regard myself of a fan of Director John Stockwell though after looking at his filmography I would have to say that the number of his movie that are worth watching are about the same as the number of his movies that aren’t. As far as action movies this was pretty good especially considering the role reversal between Gina Carano and Cam Gigandet’s characters, because you would stereotypically see a former male fighter turned action star kicking ass and taking names in a movie like this instead of female, though possibly I could also stand to take more conscious care when picking the movies that I review.
Gina Carano gave a brilliant performance, which great considering that a lot of male fighters turned actors with a similar level of acting experience have yet to give a decent performance.

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