Edge of Tomorrow


Director Doug Liman
Starring Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton
Rated M
Score 4.5/6

An officer finds himself caught in a time loop in a war with an alien race. His skills increase as he faces the same brutal combat scenarios, and his union with a Special Forces warrior gets him closer and closer to defeating the enemy.

Edge of Tomorrow is definitely worth watching. Now judging by the first few seconds of this movie I kind of got the impression that this might lose something by the time it is released on DVD. While watching this it’s very easy to start drawing parallels with the 1993 movie Groundhog Day which in itself gave the movie a basic video game feel, this was only further extenuated by the fact that in order for the time loop to work Cruise’s character needed to die and with this need for Cruise’s gave the movie slightly more darker tone then you would expect for something like this. This was probably one of the better performances that I have seen from Tom Cruise in recent years and Emily Blunt gave a great performance and it’s great to see any actress in such diverse roles.
For some reason I had starship troopers on the brain when I saw the powered combat jackets that are featured throughout edge of tomorrow for some reason I got starship troopers on the brain. Yes I was foolish enough to watch all three of the ‘starship troopers movies’ but I am thinking of the book that the movies where based on. Granted I might not have read the book but I am reliably informed that powered armour features in the book. But that is probably all moot considering that Edge of Tomorrow is based on All you need is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka.

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