Do you know your family eye history?

According to recent research by The RANZCO (Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists) Eye Foundation, 46% of Australians don’t know or haven’t asked if there is a history of eye disease in their family.
“This fresh statistic that almost 1 in 2 Australians don’t know or haven’t inquired as to whether they have a family history of eye disease is alarming. For people with a family history of eye disease; a medical condition with eye related issues such as diabetes; or those over the age of 40, an eye test every two years is essential” RANZCO Fellow, Professor Frank Martin, AM Said.
Professor Martin explained that the research showed that 47% of Australian men know about or have enquired into their family eye history, compared to 61% of Australian woman. With 64% of Australians admitting they would have their eyes tested if they discovered someone in their family was diagnosed with an eye disease.
“An eye check can detect the main causes of vision loss. Eye disease is not just an affliction of the elderly – many of these diseases are hereditary and can cause blindness in babies, teenagers and adults alike. Unfortunately, too many young people equate vision loss or blindness to old age, with 22% of young Australians (those aged between 18-24 years) more likely to have never had their eyes tested, compared to just 1% among older people aged 50-64 years.” CEO of the RANZCO Eye Foundation Jacinta Spurrett commented.

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