Slim Dusty $1 coin launched


The Royal Australian Mint has officially launched a coin recognizing Slim Dusty’s contribution to Australian society. “Slim inspired many with not only his songs about real Australians but also his passion for life and it’s fitting that he be included in this honored series” Royal Australian Mint Chief Executive Officer Mr. Ross MacDiarmid commented.
Wife of the late Slim Dusty and Chair of the Slim Dusty Foundation Ltd Ms. Joy McKean commented that Slim pioneered the bush ballad in Australian country music which brought happiness and joy to many around the country. His incredible career includes over 100 albums, song writing and recording awards, as well as becoming the first artist to have their music broadcast from space on the 1981 Space Shuttle Columbia mission.
“Slim has so many loyal fans that spread the legacy of Slim but having this coin in this special series will help extend the reach even further and for longer, reminding everyone around the country about the values that Slim loved singing about,” Ms. McKean commented.

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