High School

Director John Stalberg
Starring Matt Bush, Sean Marquette and Adrien Brody
Rated MA
Score 4.5/6

A high school valedictorian who gets baked with the local stoner finds himself the subject of a drug test. The situation causes him to concoct an ambitious plan to get his entire graduating class to face the same fate, and fail.

Ok, if you take the time to watch any ‘stoner’ movies a lot of them can seem to be more miss then hit because of any restrictions that might be placed on the movies. Despite marijuana being a main plot point of the movie, I would have to argue that High School however, hilarious seemed to be more of a raunchy teen comedy then a pure stoner comedy. This was for the simple reason that the heroes did not spend the entire movie chasing their next high (even if they did get the staff and students at their high school stoned).
Both Michael Chiklis as the school Principal and Adrien Brody gave brilliant performances.

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