Quantum Leap: A Leap to Di For

leapto di forDirector Christopher Allen
Starring Joshua Ramsey, Ed Ernstes & LaDonna Pettijohn
Score 5/6

Sam Beckett has leapt into a 26-year-old American male on a visit to Paris, France. Finding himself with a beautiful young British girl, all seems well until Sam discovers the exact date: August 30, 1997, twenty-four hours before the death of Princess Diana.

How many people out there of a certain age watch the TV show Quantum Leap? It was an American television series that ran from March of 1989 until May of 1993 for five seasons and starred Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell. Now it has been a little since I’ve last reviewed a ‘fan film’ and for the past couple of weeks I’ve been meaning to take a look at A Leap to Di For, which is something that you can check on YouTube if you have the time. I’ve always liked a little speculative fiction when it comes to science fiction and A Leap to Di For definitely caters to that taste in the same way my
favorite Red Dwarf episode A Tikka to Ride does, though perhaps in a less chaotic way then with Red Dwarf.
Even though Joshua Ramsey and Ed Ernstes gave decent enough performances it was a little weird seeing them in the roles of as Dr. Sam Beckett and Admiral Al Calavicci but I’m more than willing to assume that was because it has been more than a little while since I have seen anybody else in those roles.It should be noted that Chelsea Rogers essentially stole the movie with her performance as Princess Diana I loved her speech towards the end of the movie.

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