MDFF 2022 – Mike Mignola: Drawing Monsters


Directed by Jim Demonakos & Kevin Konrad Hanna
Starring Neil Gaiman , Rebecca Sugar, Guillermo del Toro, Patton Oswalt
Score 6/6

A feature length documentary about Mike Mignola and the creation of his comic book universe centered around Hellboy.

Going into this I had no real clue who Mike Mignola was and yes, I have watched the Hellboy movies. If memory serves the only comic book documentary was featured in the special features on my copy of Daredevil on DVD. On a personal note, I have to admit that I love documentaries that are structured the way Drawing Monsters is. There is also a quality to Mike Mignola that it a pleasure to listen to him talk about his career, it was interesting to hear about his career and the characters he has drawn. I loved Mignola’s of Rocket Racoon. The mention of the game Fizzball and how it was created by Mignola, Sam Purcell and Arthur Adams gave me bit a chuckle and their story of the game reminded me of a time when I was younger and much prettier and played tomato baseball in the backyard. What I found really fascinating was to hear about the development of the two Hellboy movies directed by Guillermo del Toro. It is also a shame that some of the animated projects that were mentioned in the documentary did not happen. Also the mention of the “Mignolaverse” is something that I liked hearing about even though I don’t read comics, personally I find when it comes to the “comic book” genre that the movies produce MCU and DCEU movies to be creatively stale and hope to “Mignonlaverse” characters other then Hellboy make it to our screens.

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