MDFF 2021 – Finding Creativity

finding creativityDirector Roger Ungers
Score 4/6

An intimate and pragmatic look into the creative process from those who harness creativity in their personal and professional lives.

Finding Creativity is being screened as part of the 2021 Melbourne Documentary Film Festival.
Creativity, it certainly is an odd choice for the topic of a documentary. I suppose that could have something with how much of an abstract concept the idea of ‘being creative’ can be. That or I have some preconceived notions about the concept of creativity. Even with the abstractness of the concept of creativity I would love to be able to see the entirety of some of the interviews particularly creativity researcher Dr. Tim Patston’s interview, I am certain that it would have changed some of the notions that I have about creativity. the documentary certainly has had me thinking about creativity and how I am creative long after I finished watching the documentary. There were some interesting points about how humans have and will creative. There was a point made about how Art is never completed it is abandoned that reminded of something George Lucas said about filmmaking in a documentary about the production of the Star Wars prequel trilogy “A famous filmmaker once said that films are never completed, they are only abandoned, so rather than live with my ‘abandoned’ movies, I decided to go back and complete them”.

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