Smokey and the Bandit

smokey and the banditDirector Hal Needham
Starring Burt Reynolds, Sally Field, Jerry Reed
Rated M
Score 5/6

The Bandit is hired on to run a tractor trailer full of beer over state lines, in hot pursuit by a pesky sheriff.

Alright, I have come across Smokey and the Bandit in passing on TV several times but never really sat down to watch it in its entirety. Now going into this I really wasn’t that familiar with Sally Field’s earlier work and had no clue of her pinup icon status I also loved her character’s reaction to jumping the Mulberry bridge. Now setting my crush on Sally Field to one side Smokey and the Bandit I must admit that I loved this movie, it has a very unassuming beginning, and it develops into a fun movie experience. I loved the chemistry between Burt Reynolds and Jerry Read and they had some really great banter, it was great to see how well Sally Field’s Carrie fit in with the two and the character wasn’t just written for how good looking she looked reaching into the backseat of the Trans Am. I am not entirely sure who might be more iconic Sheriff Buford T. Justice or possibly his squad car (considering the amount of damage it took throughout the movie).
Jackie Gleason was brilliant as Sheriff Justice, though I recommend that you give that voice that points out factual holes in movies a coffee break while watching Smokey and the Bandit.

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