
Director Justin Dec
Starring Elizabeth Lail, Jordan Calloway, Talitha Eliana Bateman
Rated M
Score 1/6

When a nurse downloads an app that claims to predict the moment a person will die, it tells her she only has three days to live. With the clock ticking and a figure haunting her, she must find a way to save her life before time runs out.

I’m going to have to file this one away in the ‘why the heck did I watch this?’ pile. Given that this received a PG-13 rating in the US part of me was prepared to dismiss this as being a stupid teen movie I should I have known better then actually watch. However, given how the filmmakers approached the scenes that where supposed to be scary I am willing to go out on a limb and assume that there more then a few teens out there who have felt that this movie was a waste of time.
Countdown had a decent enough plot hook however, writer/director Justin Dec managed to fail in its execution. All Dec really succeeded in doing by the third act was to leave me wondering why I should even care about these main characters?
It is never a good sign to see a US PG-13 rating for a horror movie. Think of it as ‘diet horror’ except with Dec being completely unqualified to direct a horror movie, Countdown did not have the exact same horror movie taste.
I was a little surprised to see Charlie McDermott cast considering up until now the only think I have really seen him in was the TV series The Middle. The only decent performance in the entire movie was PJ Byrne as Father John, Byrne’s performance wasn’t enough to save the movie.

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