Mysterious Insanity 2 – Street Racer

Director Teo Konuralp
Starring Clint Browning, Dorothy Drury & Robert Pike Daniel
Rated MA
Score 0/6

After serving time for a tragic accident, in which a young boy is crippled, an illegal street racer finds himself dragged back into the world of high-speed competition on the side streets and highways of Los Angeles.

Before I get to far into this review I would like to send a message to Carey & Shane Van Dyke there is such thing as hand-controls that allow people with a spinal cord injury drive a car.

Okay, so apparently Street Racer is supposed to be an Action movie. Well that’s if you believe its IMDB page. Personally, I think that Street Racer would have to be one of if not the most hilarious movie that I have watched in 2019. Also, from what I have read about this “movie” is that it’s supposed to have plot similarities with The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, and be based on true events. On both of those points I must call BS.
I’d like to take an opportunity to say something about the difficulties of film making and that the film makers should be congratulated for what they did, but in all honesty, I can’t really type that. For a movie about street racing there was very little street racing, there was a lot of filler and the filmmakers seemed to be unaware of a little concept known as ‘show don’t tell’ or the concept of audio levels. The only actors that gave any decent performance where Robert Pike Daniel and Michael Crider. Sadly, the only scene that Daniel and Crider had together ended up being a wasted opportunity.

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