Mysterious Insanity 2 – 2-Headed Shark Attack

Director Christopher Ray
Starring Carmen Electra, Charlie O’Connell, Brooke Hogan
Rated MA
Score 0/6

Survivors escape to a deserted atoll, after their boat during a Semester at Sea ship is sunk by a mutated two-headed shark. But when the atoll starts flooding, no one is safe from the double jaws of the monster.

Two down, only Three Mysterious Insanity movies to go. If the ‘teens’ cast in this “Movie” where involved in a semester at sea program, then the SS Minnow from Gilligan’s Island was the size of the Titanic. Come to think of it a marathon of Gilligan’s Island episodes probably would have been a slightly more pleasant experience then watching this. You might be interested to find out that this is the first “movie” in a franchise and there has, been three sequels involving sharks with 3, 5 and 6 heads, I have a feeling that these are sequels in name only.
There is something that the filmmakers seemed to be unaware of the need for there to be the need for tolerable characters in their “Movie”. By tolerable I mean the type of characters you don’t find yourself cheering when they die, and it should be noted Brooke Hogan who was one of the lead characters only managed to be tolerable for short periods of time spread throughout the movie. Looking at her filmography I suppose that we can chalk this up to a lack of experience. The only significant contribution Carmen Electra made to the movie was the time her character spent sunning herself on the boat in what could only be described as an ‘Instagram ready’ pose. As for Charlie O’Connell as Professor Babish? I doubt the character could even spell PhD. I would lament the fact that there was story arch for any of the characters and the characters seemed to be two dimensional at best, but it would be a waste of time and to be honest I am fairly certain that I gave up any hope of that by the time I was about a third of the way through the movie.
Then there is the shark used in this movie, I am sure that there are more then a few directors out there who directed similar movies who have a chance to feel superior about their shark should they ever come across this “movie”.

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