Alita: Battle Angel

Director Robert Rodriguez
Starring Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz, Jennifer Connelly
Rated M
Score 5/6

A deactivated female cyborg is revived, but cannot remember anything of her past life and goes on a quest to find out who she is.

Alita: Battle Angel is adapted from Yukito Kishiro’s manga series Gunnm which ran from December 15, 1990 to April1 1995, it should be noted that it has three sequels and a spin off series. Apparently, there is also a video game and a 2 episode an original video animation based on the Battle Angel Alita manga. On a slight side note apparently this is Robert Rodriguez’s first PG-13 movie.

Going into Alita I was completely unfamiliar with any of the source material. I will also admit that I am not a big fan of the current state 3D technology in the cinema, if there was a Non-3D version of this. Now, setting my 3D dislike aside Alita: Battle Angel really is a great looking movie. I particularly enjoyed the diverse visual styles of all the different cyborgs.
Though I’m not familiar with all of the actors cast in this movie, it was good to see that a few familiar faces where cast. That being said I was a little surprised to learn (while writing this review) that Jackie Earle Haley was cast as Grewishka. I was also pleasantly surprised to see that Jennifer Connelly was cast in this because it has been awhile since I last saw her in a movie.
Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz & Keean Johnson all gave good performances. I also enjoyed the onscreen chemistry Rosa had with Waltz and Johnson. I also liked the point that Waltz’s character Dr. Ido made about being bad or good. Though it should be noted that at least one scene between Salazar and Johnson were not as intense it could have been.
In the past I have talked about how it seems that some writers have difficulty writing well-crafted female characters, particularly in Action-Adventure movies. Alita is an example of a level of attention given to the hero’s journey that seems to have been lacking with other female heroes in recent years.

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