Sharpe’s Waterloo

Director Tom Clegg
Starring Sean Bean, Daragh O’Malley, Abigail Cruttenden
Rated M
Score 5/6

Lt. Col. Richard Sharpe to his last fight against the French, in June of 1815. Sharpe is assigned to the Prince of Orange’s staff and is rejoined with Sgt. Harper (retired) and riflemen Hagman and Harris at the famous battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo.

Okay, movie 14 of the Sharpe series set during the peninsular war. Without giving any spoilers away Sharpe’s Waterloo has a bittersweet note to it. Though of course the major plot point that has been developing over the past two movies comes to a satisfying conclusion. With, this series being over twenty years old it is starting to show signs of its age especially if you consider that other series can away with a lot more. Despite any budget constraints the production might have had it is pretty cool to see what they managed to pull off, though I am fairly certain that I have spotted the same horse being ridden by different soldiers from different armies on at least two occasions.
This is a brilliant example of Paul Bettany’s early work. Bettany’s performance as Prince William of Orange is possible one of finest portrayals of an idiot that I have seen (it should also be noted that Bettany has also made a brief appearance as a common soldier).

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