Future world

Director James Franco & Bruce Thierry Cheung
Starring James Franco, Suki Waterhouse, Jeffrey Wahlberg
Rated MA
Score 3/6

A young boy searches a future world wasteland for a rumoured cure for his dying mother.

Future World is not as bad as some critics are making out to be, but then again it really is not that good either. At best Future World is kind of average. A lot of the movie’s plot points had been done before in other movies and the filmmakers did not seem to try to do anything innovative. There also was one artsy scene that it would be better used in a Kanye West’s music video Bound 2 then in a Sci-Fi Action movie, though I suppose that could be dismissed as the filmmakers steering to hard into trying to give the movie a graphic novel feel.
Now that being said there where some good points such as Milla Jovovich’s performance there was just this manic quality to her character Drug Lord and the fight scene she had with James Franco was easily one of the high points of the movie. Jeffrey Wahlberg gave an okay performance as Prince.

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