Mile 22

Director Peter Berg
Starring Mark Wahlberg, Lauren Cohan, Iko Uwais
Rated MA
Score 4/6

An elite American intelligence officer, aided by a top-secret tactical command unit, tries to smuggle a mysterious police officer with sensitive information out of the country.

This is the fourth time that Peter Berg and Mark Wahlberg have worked together. There is also an excuse to play the game of spot the Australian actor as I was little surprised to see Nikolai Nikolaeff. Was Nikolaeff the only Australian actor cast in this? Hopefully not.

I liked Mile 22’s plot and the different sub-plots that the movie had made for some interesting time at the cinema. However, the jumping between the different plot points took away from the frantic flow that the movie needed to have. Once Wahlberg’s character James Silva and his team started on the main mission of the movie should have hit the gas pedal and not hit the brakes until the end of the movie (for the record I loved the ending). However, that Berg was pumping the gas all the way through the movie especially considering that one of Mile 22’s plot points was the mission debrief fo the events of the movie. I enjoyed Iko Uwais’ performance, the fight sequence featuring his character in the infirmary in the American embassy was certainly noteworthy. I would have liked to have seen Ronda Rousey have a bigger role, though her character certainly had a significant role to play Mile 22’s overall story line.

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