
Director John Suits
Starring Rachel Nichols, Alfie Allen, Missi Pyle
Rated MA
Score 0/6

A virus of epic proportions has overtaken the planet. There are more infected than uninfected, and humanity is losing its grip on survival. Its only hope is finding a cure and keeping the infected contained. Lauren is a doctor, who, after the fall of New York, comes to Los Angeles to lead a team to hunt for and rescue uninfected survivors.

Sometimes with reviewing movies you need to have a devil may care attitude to the movies that you decide to watch, especially when you have heard nothing about the movie. Sometimes that exact same attitude can turn around and bite you in the ass. The decision to watch Pandemic was one of those decisions.
Possibly the only thing going for this movie was the decision for filmmakers to use the first-person perspective for a large portion of this movie. Perhaps this is something that should be used by filmmakers who adapt videogame properties into movies. I also thought that it was an interesting move by the filmmakers to explain the levels of the infection that lead to the ‘zombifacation’ thus grounding the movie little more in reality instead of having this being just another bad ‘zombie’ movie.

There really isn’t anything else positive that I can say about this movie its kind of a fundamental tenant of filmmaking that the audience should care about the characters in a movie and it’s a really bad sign when the audience starts rooting for the ‘zombies’ and laughing when the main characters die. I found myself doing that on multiple occasions.
As it turns out I can only say that I am vaguely familiar with director John Suits’ work having seen one other movie that he has directed Breathing Room which was released in 2008. Sitting writing this review and learning of the connection between the two movies only goes to show how disappointed I am with John Suits because of this movie.

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