Storming Juno

Director Tim Wolochatiuk
Starring Benjamin Muir, Kevin Walker, Craig Cyr
Rated M
Score 3.5/6

Docudrama retelling the Canadian assault of Juno Beach on D-Day, as told via re-enactment and through interviews with those who were there.

Okay, for the record I came across Storming Juno while browsing the movies on iTunes, so I was a little surprised to find out that this was a docudrama that was originally made for TV (a sure sign that you’ve stumbled across a movie originally made for tv is the use of cuts that fade to black signifying where an ad break might be).
Now I was completely unfamiliar with the entire cast and crew involved with the production of Storming Juno and all of the actors gave decent enough performances (for a telemovie, I might be a bit of a snob but I have slightly higher expectations for the acting in a movie that has had a cinematic release.)
Though stories like this are very interesting and should be told I did have a slight problem with the flow narrative and how it jumped from story to story and back again. I admit that this a viable narrative I just feel that director Tim Wolochatiuk did not have a big enough budget to pull it off successfully.
I found the interviews with the veterans of Juno Beach toward the end of the movie to be particularly interesting.

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