Tomb Raider

Director Roar Uthaug
Starring Alicia Vikander, Dominic West, Walton Goggins
Rated M
Score 4/6

Lara Croft, the fiercely independent daughter of a missing adventurer, must push herself beyond her limits when she finds herself on the island where her father disappeared.

Alright we have yet another movie adapted from a computer game, and we all know what that means. The video game movie adaption curse, simply put most filmmakers have failed with their efforts. For those of you who are interested this version of Tomb Raider was adapted from the 2013 video game which was a reboot of the game franchise which was first released back in 1996. Now I don’t rate Tomb Raider as highly as I would rate something like Hardcore Henry (a movie with the spirit of a video game) it is still better then other movies adapted from video games. I wouldn’t say that the movie was a direct adaption of the game, it hit a lot of the same beats as the game did however, to the best of my recollection some of the characters in the game where not featured in the movie and vice versa. Also it should be noted that the final acts of the movie and the game are completely different. In defence of these points there are some people who might say that if you want an experience exactly like the game then you should play game.
Alicia Vikander gave a great performance and Walton Goggins is always a good a choice to portray a villain though I feel that his character Mathias Vogel is not what I would call a memorable villain.

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