Kill Ratio

Director Paul Tanter
Starring Tom Hopper, Amy Huberman, Nick Dunning
Rated MA
Score 2/6

An attack on the new President of a fledgling Eastern European democracy pits an American covert operative against the country’s ruthless military leader determined to seize control of the government.

At best this is an average movie, in all honesty I don’t think Kill Ratio was trying to be average. There was a combination of reasons why I watched this one, I was bored on Netflix and was familiar with the director English director Paul Tanter. I particularly enjoyed his White-Collar Hooligan trilogy.
I suppose this could be considered as some sort of homage to 80’s action movie Die Hard (though this hero had better skills then McClane and did not endure as much physical pain as he did). Fans of action movies might be put off by some of the computer effects used the sequences. But I suppose the computer effects can be forgiven after enough beers on a beer and pizza night.

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