Adele sets Brisbane Concert Crowd Record

Adele concerts have set a new record for Brisbane concert crowds, with around 120,000 people packing The Gabba for two sell-out shows. The record concert crowd in Brisbane before the event was 52,400 in 2012 for Coldplay. Minister for Sport Mick de Brenni said the monumental success of the weekend’s two Adele concerts confirm that Queensland can put on the biggest and best shows in the world.
“The logistics worked, the transport worked and the weather even cooperated,” Mr. de Brenni commented “Most importantly, over 120,000 fans had an amazing time. Everyone was good spirited and well prepared to really enjoy the night.”
Mr. de Brenni thanked Stadiums Queensland, emergency services and transport operators for their hard work delivering a complex event.
“I stayed back after the show with the Stadiums Queensland team on Saturday and saw some of the amazing hard work that was going on behind the scenes. The security and catering staff, the paramedics and police, transport workers and stadium crews all worked together to deliver two truly memorable nights. They all deserve our thanks. In the lead up to the Commonwealth Games Queenslanders should be very confident of our capability to deliver complex, world class events.” Mr. de Brenni commented.
The Gabba manager Blair Conaghan said the concerts had been a huge success.
“The Gabba has never hosted a concert this big before and everyone agrees Adele put on the performance of a lifetime,” Mr Conaghan commented “This weekend’s concerts were around 20,000 people larger than the biggest event we’ve ever hosted at The Gabba, two nights in a row and the feedback has been fantastic,”
Michael O’Brien of O’Brien Group Australia said it had been the biggest Queensland event the company had been involved in over the past 25 years. O’Brien went on to explain that over each of the two nights we opened 91 food and beverage outlets and employed 1,600 food and beverage staff. Adele fans went through 30,000 bottles of wine, 1,000 crates of champagne, over 1 tonne of seafood and 1250 kilograms of cheese and crackers.

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