Campaign for parents to help protect their P-plater

Queensland parents are being encouraged to stay in the passenger seat after their young driver receives their P1 driver’s licence, to help keep them safe behind the wheel. Main Roads and Road Safety Minister Mark Bailey said the Protect Your P-Plater campaign, launched today, highlights the risks young drivers face and how parents can stay involved.
“When a young person transitions from a learner licence to their provisional licence they become six times more likely to be involved in a serious crash,” Mr. Bailey commented “This is simply unacceptable and exactly the reason why we want young drivers to have positive role models like parents and carers continuing to help them hone their driving skills. The first six to 12 months after a young person qualifies for their red P-plate is the most crucial time for parents to stay involved.” Bailey added.
Mr. Bailey explained that in 2016, 61 people lost their lives in crashes involving young adult drivers and riders (aged 16 to 24). This represents 24.2 per cent of the Queensland road toll last year (252).
Mr. Bailey pointed out that the new campaign includes online videos and real interviews, printed information, social media and radio ads played during drive time, when teenagers and their parents are driving to or from school.
“Families have been interviewed to provide real advice about their learn-to-drive experiences, which parents of new drivers can learn from,” Mr. Bailey commented “We know from research, 88 per cent of young drivers admit to using their phones while driving and we hope parents can influence young drivers to stop this risky and life endangering behaviour. Working through the P-plate years together is a great way parents can share their safe driving habits and keep conversations going about how to stay safe on our roads.” Bailey added.

As at 19 February- Five provisional licence holders have been killed in crashes this year 36 provisional licence holders were killed in crashes in 2016.
Young adult drivers involved in fatal crashes by licence type (2011-2015)
• 9.6 per cent Learners
• 58 per cent P-Platers
• 32 per cent Open licences

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