The Karate Kid Movies Something to Ponder

I’m not one to over analyze movies, it’s just not my style. But after noticing the 2010 Karate Kid starring Jaden Smith on TV a few weeks a thought came into my head and it is showing no signs of going away anytime soon. The thought was that both Mr. Miyagi (portrayed by Pat Morita) and Mr. Han (portrayed by Jackie Chan) are not the best of men for attacking groups of children. I understand perfectly the reason why they did what they did; they were standing up for somebody who could not help themselves. You should always help a stranger in trouble if you can, especially if they can’t help themselves.
But you look at the act of what they actually did the fact still remains they still attacked children under the age of 18, and there is a widespread belief that you shouldn’t hurt children when punishing them. Especially, if you are not related to them by blood. For the record, both actors in their respective movies were in their 50’s at the point of filming Pat Morita was born in 1932 and was 52 when he filmed The Karate Kid in 1984 while Jackie Chan was born in 1954 and was 56 when he filmed The Karate Kid in 2010.
So here is the question and I would really like to hear what you think who is the worst man, Mr. Miyagi for attacking a bunch of 17-year-olds or Mr. Han for attacking a bunch of 12-year-olds?

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