
Director Denis Villeneuve
Starring Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin, Benicio Del Toro
Rated MA
Score 5/6

An idealistic FBI agent is enlisted by an elected government task force to aid in the escalating war against drugs at the border area between the U.S. and Mexico.

Before we get to far into things a few pieces of trivia the word “Sicario” derives from the Latin word “Sicarius”, meaning “dagger men”. The term was used by Romans in the Province of Judea to describe Jewish Zealots who killed Roman citizens using a “sicae” or small dagger hidden in their cloaks. The word also means “Hitman” in Spanish.
I was not overly familiar with director Denis Villeneuve’s work, though after watching Sicario I might have to check out some of his other movies. Villeneuve had some brilliant countryside to play with but more importantly unlike most of the action movies that I watch seem to be Big Loud Action Movies (BLAM) Sicario has this slow burn quality to it that has a satisfying bang of a finale but has enough energy to be brought over to a potential sequel (it should be noted that a sequel is currently in development).
Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin and Benicio Del Toro all gave brilliant performances Blunt as an FBI Agent who is thrown in the deep end but with the benefit of brilliant writing learns how to swim and both Brolin and Del Toro who are men who aren’t who first appear to be.
I am looking forward to the release of the sequel to Sicario especially if director Denis Villeneuve and writer Taylor Sheridan are involved with production.

Sicario Emily Blunt Victor Garber FBI CIA

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