Parents, Driving & the Kids

Here is something to keep in mind the next time you give Junior a lift to the movies or those after school activities, according to recent research released by Roy Morgan parents drive over 1800km a year more than the average Australian driver—the equivalent of an extra trip from Melbourne to Brisbane during the year.
The research revealed that Australian drivers (14+) drive an average 15,813km per year, down around 2000km/year compared with ten years ago. However the 4.9 million drivers who are parents with children under 18 in the home drive 17,659km/year on average: a cumulative 87 billion kilometers annually, that the equivalent of leaving for Pluto at Christmas and arriving by Australia Day.
“Parents know full well that having kids means more and more time behind the wheel as they grow up—but just how many extra kilometers they drive may come as a surprise. Well over 90% of parents with kids aged from newborn to eight say their car needs to be suitable for carrying children, while over 75% need lots of space and seating flexibility and say safety is the primary concern when choosing a vehicle.” Jordan Pakes, Industry Director – Automotive, Roy Morgan Research commented.


Pakes explained that the research also revealed that parents with babies aged 0-2 and toddlers aged 3-5 drive an average 15,807km and 15,570km/year respectively, close to the norm. Pakes added that as the kids get older between the ages of 6-8 primary school dropping off and picking up the total up to 16,764km/year. When the kids turn 9-11 their parents drive farther still: an average 17.433km/year, close to the parental norm. And when the kids are 12-15 years old with access to bikes and public transport to get them round the total that parents drive them around does not go down but it adds a massive 1,580km on the road (to 19,013km/year). And once you’re teaching them to drive themselves, at ages 16-17, expect to hit your driving peak at 4,233km/year more than the average driver: a total 20,046km/year—a leisurely family road trip from South Korea to South Africa.

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