Last Knights


Director Kazuaki Kiriya
Starring Clive Owen, Morgan Freeman, Aksel Hennie
Rated MA
Score 2/6

A fallen warrior rises against a corrupt and sadistic ruler to avenge his dishonored master.

OK, I’ve been procrastinating about things for the past few days, so hopefully I will be able to get back to my movie watching. It should be pointed out that Last Knights is a remake of the 1941 movie 47 Ronin directed by Kenji Mizoguchi. It should be pointed out that, no I have not had a chance to watch the ’41 interpretation of the tale, though I do plan to remedy that when I finally get my hands on a copy of the movie. It should also be noted of the two latest interpretations of the tale I preferred the 2013 movie starring Keanu Reeves.
Sword-and-sandal movies are usually always worth watching and with Clive Owen and Morgan Freeman in leading roles I thought that Last Knights was geared up to be something really worthwhile. However, I thought that everything was let down by the villain of the movie Geza Mott. Sure Mott was evil enough but I got the impression that not enough attention was paid to establish why he was evil at the beginning of the story and by the end of the movie he came across as being a little paper thin and with movies like Last Knights you need a villain that you can really hate so that there is a feeling of satisfaction when the villain finally meets their end.

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