Left Behind


Director Vic Armstrong
Starring Nicolas Cage, Lea Thompson, Cassi Thomson
Rated M
Score 0/6

A small group of survivors are left behind after millions of people suddenly vanish and the world is plunged into chaos and destruction.

Okay, this is the second movie about The Rapture that I’ve watched in recent years and I suppose the fact that I have actually watched this one from beginning to end could be seen as some sort of penance for watching a 2013 directed by Paul Middleditch called Rapture-Palooza.
The movie is based on a series of 16 novels released between 1995 – 2007 by Tim LaHave and Jerry B. Jenkins and a remake of a movie that spawned two sequels staring Kirk Cameron, perhaps the god of cinematic good will prevent the making release of any sequels associated with the remake.
There is practically nothing going for this movie it seemed that the budget was large enough to provide decent enough effects and the writing was melodramatic at best while the cast seemed to phone in their performances. In short director Vic Armstong really should considering sticking to his work as a stunt coordinator.

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