Tell Tony Its Time


Take a deep breath and cast your mind back four years to win Julia Gillard was Australia’s Prime Minister and Tony Abbott our current Prime Minister was the leader of the Opposition. Are you their yet? Good. I’m sure there are some of you out there who remember the protests by the Liberal Party in regards to the deal that the ALP made with the Greens and the overall message of the protests encouraging the Nation to “Ditch the Witch”. For those of you who are not aware of this little part of Australian history regarding the treatment of our first female Prime Minister, you should realise that in the end our 26th Prime Minister Kevin Rudd took back his job. So I suppose it’s open to interpretation as to whether Ms Gillard was ditched or knifed.
Fast forward back to 2015 and those of you who ever wondered if the forces of Karma do in fact exist, we have proof in the position the allegedly honourable Prime Minister Tony Abbott currently finds himself in. Which was brought about by but not limited to the coalition’s policies and decisions on illegal immigration, workers’ rights, university funding, the Medicare co-payment and the knighting of Prince of Phillip. So it’s time for the members of the coalition to Tell Tony Its Time to go, sing so long thanks for all the fish and tell him to hand back the keys to the lodge. Now “Tell Tony Its Time” is not as eloquent a slogan as “Ditch the Witch” but then again I’d like to think that we are all better then whoever came up with “Ditch the Witch” as a slogan. Looking back on it, it seems that Liberal Party Advisors really did not workshop the slogan at all.
Now it seems that Malcolm Turnbull and Julie Bishop are the front runners as possible contenders to be Australia’s next Prime Minister. Should Mr Turnbull and Ms Bishop fail in any leadership endeavours, I would like to cite Coughlin’s Law: ‘anything else is always something better’ and nominate the lemon tree in my back yard as a potential leader of the Liberal Party. Granted it doesn’t have a seat Federal Government but under the Lemon Tree’s leadership I am certain that the government’s policies would become Greener.

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