Robocop — 1987


Director Paul Verhoeven
Starring Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O’Herlihy
Rated R
Score 4/6

When a good cop gets blown away by some ruthless criminal, innovative scientists and doctors are able to piece him back together as an unstoppable crime-fighting cyborg called “Robocop”. Impervious to bullets and bombs and equipped with high tech weaponry, Robocop quickly makes a name for himself by cleaning up the crime-ridden streets of violence-ravaged Detroit

I didn’t actually promise that I would review the 1987 version of Robocop, but in my review for the recently released remake I did admit that it had been awhile since I had last seen the ’87 version. So on my last visit to my current friendly neighbourhood DVD store, I thought what the hell a revisiting the original Robocop was a good idea.
Now considering the ‘if it bleeds it leads’ mentality of some news organisations and the level of some of the violence in the original movie, I can’t help but think that the filmmakers of the remake babied the audience (though I suppose the more politically correct term would that they decided to appeal to the broadest possible audience). Alongside that violence there is a sense of humour, admittedly with most of the joke you won’t find yourself laughing out loud all the time. Maybe I was blending the though first two movies of the trilogy in my mind but the ’87 version still had something to say most notably about the media, corporations and consumerism. Now the future that the movie predicted 27 years ago may not be here yet and perhaps if we do nothing it could be here sooner then we think.

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