Kick Ass 2

kick ass2

Director Jeff Wadlow
Staring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Chloë Grace Moretz, Christopher Mintz-Plasse
Rated MA
Score 2.5/6

The costumed high-school hero Kick-Ass joins with a group of normal citizens who have been inspired to fight crime in costume. Meanwhile, the Red Mist plots an act of revenge that will affect everyone Kick-Ass knows.

For those of you who did not hear about it when this one was originally released Jim Carey refused to take part in any promotion campaigns for this film, due to its violent content and his personal distaste for guns and gun violence. It’s a good thing that Carey stood up for his principals, but after watching this I really did not think that Kick Ass 2 was overly violent. Though yes there was some blood spatter in a few of the fight scenes. So I suppose if you get down to it even though the fact that Carey stood up for his principals is a good thing, though probably was just PR spin.
The sequel had a completely different vibe to the original movie from three years ago. This change in vibe is an example of what happens to a franchise when you go and change directors.
Judging by the change in vibe if this should ever become a trilogy I am not going to watch this one at a cinema and I would certainly think twice before hiring it on DVD from the friendly neighbourhood DVD store.

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