Man of Tai Chi


Director Keanu Reeves
Starring Keanu Reeves, Iko Uwais, Tiger Hu Chen
Rated 4.5/6
Rated MA

A young martial artist’s unparalleled Tai Chi skills land him in a highly lucrative underworld fight club.

This was an interesting choice for Keanu Reeves’ first movie as a director, purely because of the use of Tai Chi, considering that Tai Chi is generally not considered as an active form of martial arts. I have always had an interest in watching martial arts movies because they are so varied and you are always guaranteed in finding something different in every martial arts movie that you watch.
The story itself really was not that anything special, it seemed that the writer Michael G. Cooney borrowed elements from various different genres including a possible nod to the 1992 computer game and 1995 movie Mortal Kombat in one of the lines of dialouge.
I was particularly impressed by Reeves’ visual directing style of note was the use of strobe lighting effect during one of the fight scenes.

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