The Day


Director Douglas Aarniokoski
Staring Shawn Ashmore, Brianna Barnes and Ashley Bell
Rated MA
Score 4/6

A group of five people working to stay alive in a post-apocalyptic future discover what they think is a safe, abandoned farmhouse, but they soon find themselves fighting to stay alive as a gang of bloodthirsty predators attack.

When I first saw the WWE Films logo during the logo of this film, I really did not know what to make of it considering that there is a lot of ill will by the public towards movies that WWE Films and the movies that they have produced.
But WWE Films only distributed the movie and had nothing to do with the actual production process, so there is no need to worry. As a story really did not seem to be anything special, there was only two actors in the entire movie whose name I recognised and there are subtle variations of this basic plot. But there was just something about how the movie was made that made it seem unique.
I loved the use of the black and white throughout the movie, it seemed make things seem bleaker, then if the filmmakers had of used colour. Though The Day is violent movie I got the impression that it was not as violent as it could have been.

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