Curved Coin released by Australian Mint

As a part of national science week the Royal Australian Mint has released a curved $5 coin known as the ‘Southern Sky’ which celebrates astronomy and engineering.
“This is the first release dedicated to constellations visible in the Australian sky, and in this new age of space exploration, we look forward to bringing you more astronomically themed products in the years to come,” said Mr Ross MacDiarmid, Chief Executive Officer of the Royal Australian Mint.
Mr MacDiarmid explained that the coin design features the Crux constellation, otherwise known as the Southern Cross, which spans the domed surface of the silver coin like a celestial sphere. There are also navigational markers bordering the design, which point out where the viewer would face when looking up at the sky to get the best view of the constellation.
The 2012 $5 Southern Sky the Crux Silver Proof Colour Printed Domed coin, retails for $110 and is available through the Royal Australian Mint.

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