Big Stan

Directed by Rob Schneider
Staring Rob Schneider, David Carradine, Jennifer Morrison, M. Emmet Walsh, Kevin Gage, Henry Gibson, Scott Wilson, Randy Couture
Rating M
Score 0/6

A geeky conman who gets sentenced to a prison stretch. Terrified of being raped, he enlists the aid of a martial arts guru to teach him kung fu. When he goes inside, his newfound skills result in his becoming an unlikely hero, as he outsmarts the warring prison gangs.

If there is ever a movie that you should avoid when it is released on DVD, this would have to be it. This pittiful excuse of a feature film in the end yeilded fewer laughs then Adam Sandler’s You don’t mess with the Zohan. This is the exact kind of movie that would appeal to 14 year old boys who always never go out on a Friday night. My advice to them is this save your money stay home and either play world of warcraft for a few hours or heaven forbid crack open your books and catch up on your homework.

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