John Carter

Directed by Andrew Stanton
Staring Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins, Bryan Cranston, Mark Strong and Willem Dafoe
Rated M
Score 4/6

Civil War vet John Carter is transplanted to Mars, where he discovers a lush, wildly diverse planet whose main inhabitants are 12-foot tall green barbarians. Finding himself a prisoner of these creatures, he escapes, only to encounter Dejah Thoris, Princess of Helium, who is in desperate need of a savoir.

Judging by what little I know about the source Material John Cater really seemed like an odd choice of movie to be released by Disney. However, considering that there is eleven books in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Barsoom series there is more than enough material to establish a film franchise.
John Carter was visually spectacular; I was particularly impressed by the flying ships. However, some of the shots seemed a little out of place and that not a lot of thought went into them, which suggests that the director Andrew Stanton might have lacked the skills needed for a film like this. Some of the dialogue seemed to be a little to flowery and over the top which would have been more at home in a drama rather than an action movie. However Considering that the first novel of the Barsoom series was written 95 years ago I suppose it was only to be expected. It really seemed that the costumes where heavily influenced by the Conan the Barbarian movies.
Overall, John Carter was good for what it was. A boys own adventure. The movie could have been better but a director other then Andrew Stanton was chosen.
On a side note, I suppose it might be a bitter pill for Disney to swallow but the independent The Asylum released a direct to DVD movie A princess of Mars staring Antonio Sabato, Jr. and Traci Lords. This was also adapted from Burroughs’ Barsoom series and released three years ago.

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