The Marine 5: Battleground

Director James Nunn
Starring Mike ‘The Miz’ Mizanin, Maryse Mizanin, Heath Miller
Rated MA
Score 3.5/6

While working as an EMT back stateside Jake Carter after responding to a distress call, finds himself caught up protecting a person of interest from a biker gang ruthlessly hunting them down.

Given WWE Studios’ track record with it’s the continual watching and reviewing of their movies could be considered an ongoing cycle of self-inflicted cinematic pain. Though, considering the criticisms levelled at the WWE I could also be considered as just another passenger on the bandwagon.
I suppose Mike Mizanin should be congratulated considering that this is the third movie that he has done in The Marine franchise.
Compared to some the other movies in the franchise the camera work in Battleground looks to be beautiful, and some of the shots in this movie would probably be an example of the difference between Standard and High Definition.
Unfortunately, this beautiful camera work was let down by the computer generated effects that were used and a plot that did not seem to lend itself to being used in a feature length movie and possibly would have been better used in a television series.

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