A Money Back Guarantee. Seriously?

Gambling, I’m not here to preach about Gambling. If you like to gamble and think that you’re good at it, then all the power to you and if you have a gambling problem I sincerely hope that you find whatever you need to get your problem under control.
Now that little piece of housekeeping is out of the way I can now start to get down to business. I’m sure that all of you out there where ever you are know that whenever you gamble be it with your money or your life it’s a 50/50 shot as to whether you win or lose. It gets to the very definition of the word ‘to play at any game of chance for money or other stakes’.
Quick question, in the last month how many of you have seen an ad for some sort of gambling business? Since I have sat down to write this little rant I’ve seen one for SportsBet.com and at a guess I would think that the number is that I have seen at least four ads for different sports betting websites.
I have a question or two that I would hope that somebody involved in the gambling industry might be able to answer for me about a specific service that these sports betting websites offer in the form of the money back special. Who was the bright spark who first thought up the money back special? And what did they hope to achieve with the money back special? Specifically Sportsbet.com sees themselves as doing the right thing by punters robbed by the results. All I can see that Sportsbet.com and other sports betting websites are doing by offering money back specials is to create a generation of whiny gamblers who fail to understand that when you gamble and you lose you don’t get your money back.

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