Tag Archive for Richmond Tigers

Coles Fundraising With ANZAC Biscuits

Coles has enlisted the help of Richmond Football Club’s very own ‘top guns’ Jack Graham and Seth Campbell to encourage customers to get behind military charity Bravery Trust in the lead up to Anzac Day. Graham and Campbell put their baking skills to the test by making their own batch of Anzac biscuits under the…

Calm Conditions Forecast For AFL Grand Final

The Bureau of Meteorology’s forecast for Grand Final Day in Melbourne is dry, so does that mean Richmond will romp in – or will the GWS Giants enjoy a fairy-tale finale? Statistically speaking Richmond thrive in dry grand finals, but in terms of temperatures there’s no strong signal either way. The Bureau is forecasting a…

A Look at the Fans of The Tigers and The Crows

Today’s AFL Grand Final pits, the two AFL teams with the longest AFL Grand Final droughts against each other in a match-up set to break one long-suffering team’s drought Roy Morgan has taken a look at the fans of The Crows and The Tigers. “Saturday’s AFL Grand Final is a battle of the ‘droughts’. Richmond…