Tag Archive for Namadgi National Park

Recovery Efforts are Underway at Namadgi National Park

Three years on from the 2020 Orroral Valley bushfire, recovery efforts are well underway at Namadgi National Park. Minister for Planning and Land Management Mick Gentleman said the ACT Government has been working on environmental restoration and infrastructure recovery. “Getting the flora, fauna and other ecological assets harmed by the fire, which burnt more than…

Evacuated Animals Returning to Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve

Northern Corrobboree Frogs and koalas evacuated to the Australian National University during the Orroral Valley Fire have returned to their facilities at the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. ACT Minister for the Environment and Heritage Mick Gentleman explained that a population of 450 Northern Corrobboree Frogs was moved to purpose-built tanks at the ANU on 30 January…

July 31 World Ranger Day

The ACT Parks and Conservation Service is celebrating World Ranger Day, 31 July 2015, which commemorates rangers who have been killed or injured in the line of duty. “Our park rangers play a vital role in the care and protection of our unique bush environment here in Canberra, I really appreciate the passion and the…


Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development Simon Corbell recently announced that 200 northern corroboree frogs where released back into the sphagnum moss bogs in Namadgi National Park. This release was a part of an eight year in captivity breeding program to help save the frogs which are an endangered species. “There are currently around…