Tag Archive for Music

Online Event The Long Weekender Hosted by Myf Warhurst

The Victorian Government is backing Victoria’s live music scene with a free online festival over the long weekend featuring some never before seen footage of some of Victoria’s most iconic festivals and musicians. Minister for Creative Industries Danny Pearson today announced that $360,000 will go directly to artists and festival organisers to air six hours…

So who wants to be a recording artist?

Djooky Music Awards (DMA), the first global online song contest, is seeking out the most talented artists and songwriters from Australia and around the world in a search for someone to become the next biggest singing sensation. Open to amateurs, professional songwriters and musicians, one buddying artist will have a once in a lifetime opportunity…


Director Sia Starring Kate Hudson, Maddie Ziegler, Leslie Odom Jr Rated M Score 2/6 Review by TanteLiz On the death of her grandmother, Zu, an alcoholic, finds herself having to care for her autistic sister. I really wanted to like this movie. However, it was a letdown as both a musical and a drama. The…

Funding for Musicians and Live & Virtual Music Events

The Victorian Government is supporting Victoria’s hard-hit music sector with funding to celebrate and share local music and keep musicians and music businesses working. Minister for Creative Industries Martin Foley recently announced $857,000 in grants for Victorian musicians, music businesses and virtual and live events. “Victoria’s $1.7 billion music industry is globally renowned but the…

ACT Government Investing in Live Music Scene

Minister for the Arts and Community Events Gordon Ramsay announced recently that the ACT Government is investing $108,000 to ensure Canberra’s live music scene continues to thrive. “Canberra is brimming with talented musicians and we’ll be working closely with MusicACT to strengthen live music opportunities in the Capital,” Minister Ramsay commented “The funding will support…

George Donaldson Dies at age 46

Celtic Thunder are deeply saddened to announce the death of principal singer George Donaldson, who died from a massive heart attack on Wednesday, 12th March 2014 at his home in Glasgow, Scotland. Born and raised in Glasgow, George Donaldson was a self-taught musician, accomplished on both guitar and flute, with a lifelong passion for Celtic…