Tag Archive for canberra liberals

ACT Libs Say Light Rail to costly

ACT Opposition Leader Jeremy Hanson recently said that the ACT Labor government must abandon its cornerstone plan to build light rail from Gungahlin to the City. Mr Hanson claims that the people of the ACT cannot be made to pay for light rail when Katy Gallagher is talking about reductions to health services. “Katy Gallagher…

Canberra Libs to spend $6 million on nature reserves, walking tracks and rangers

ACT Opposition Leader Zed Seselja and ACT Shadow Nature Conservation Minister Vicki Dunne announced that if elected a Liberal government would inject $6 million into Canberra’s nature parks, hire extra rangers, and improve management by bringing all nature conservation functions into one Directorate. “The Canberra Liberals believe our natural environment creates many opportunities for preservation,…

Canberra Libs to build state-of-the-art health paramedic learning facility

ACT Opposition Leader Zed Seselja announced today that if elected, a Canberra Liberals Government will establish a state-of-the-art health paramedic learning facility. “A Canberra Liberals Government would provide $2 million to refurbish existing space at the Australian Catholic University for a simulation-based training facility. This would include human patient simulators and state-of-the-art recording and feedback…

Canberra Libs to build Canberra’s First ASD school

ACT Opposition Leader Zed Seselja and ACT Shadow Minister for Disability Steve Doszpot announced today that if elected a Liberal Government would build Canberra’s first ever school for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Mr. Seselja explained that the school would be for up to 40 children with ASD aged between two and a…

Canberra Libs: $1 million over four years for Canberra’s street sweeping program

ACT Opposition Leader Zed Seselja and ACT Shadow Urban Services Minister Alistair Coe announced recently that if elected a liberal government would invest an additional $1 million over four years into the ACT’s street sweeping program. Mr Seselja explained that the $1 million over four years so that Canberra’s street sweeping program could: • Lease…